woodland fairy christmas decoration Sold Out

Create A Natural Christmas!

WEDNESDAY, October 30, 2024

09:30 - 15:30pm


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A Christmas craft course

Using natural materials found in gardens, Heather Russell will show you how to make a decorative rustic twig trees & adorable pinecone woodland elves plus the all important  feather fairy. 

Arrive for morning coffee, then dive straight into a day of glorious natural crafts starting with your pinecone elves. Break for some well-earned cake, then it’s back to your workbench to add the finishing touches to your fairies & make a start on your rustic twig tree to display them to perfection.

Relax over a lunch prepared by Andy of ‘Papaya’ Catering before spending the afternoon making decorative willow stars and finishing your twig tree.

NB. Timings and order of the day may vary.


We’re giving you a head start by running this in late October because we know Heather’s natural enthusiasm & creative ideas will inspire you to continue making at home, for yourself & as gifts; safe in the knowledge that you’ll be ready to adorn your home with natural, handmade Christmas decorations come 1st December.