Japanese Vegetable Seeds.
7 packs of exciting Japanese Veg seeds to tantalise the taste buds this year:
Mizuna, Green Shiso, Kabu ‘Tokyo Cross’, Kabocha (Japanese pumpkin), Nasu ‘Milloinaire’ Aubergine, Daikon radish, Kyuri ‘Bon Odori’ Cucumber.
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Back to productsWe hope you enjoy these new varieties of Japanese seeds as much as we do.
Seeds include:
Japanese Radish – Large white Radish, delicious pickled and served with a glass of cold sake.
Japanese Pumpkin – Rich, sweet and creamy Japanese Pumpkin.
Japanese Mustard -v ersatile Japanese Mustard leaf that may be added to salads, soups and stir-fries.
Green Shiso – These vibrant green leaves impart notes of mint, basil, cinnamon and citrus, delivered with a slight tingle on the tongue. It’s not an easy taste to categorise but one that becomes quite addictive once tried.
Small Japanese Turnip – Surprisingly versatile miniature white turnips with edible leaves. Their firm, crunchy flesh has a sweet, slightly nutty flavour with hints of radish. Try it roasted with other vegetables, pickled or eat it raw.
Japanese Cucumber – Slighter, more slender and with a more delicate skin than European varieties, Kyuri are a sweeter alternative.
Japanese Aubergine – With a thinner skin and fewer seeds (almost none), this early-maturing, high-yield variety produces an abundance of sweet, mild fruits. If you make one dish with your crop, make it miso glazed aubergine: so simple but so very delicious.